Goal and objectives

Objectives :

  1. The goal of the Website Committee is to continue to work on website design that is user friendly and a positive reflection of academic.

  2. Assign a core team of members to maintain a calendar of events and time-sensitive information or announcements throughout the college website.

  3. To disseminate the efforts and the achievements of the College, Students, and Staff to the outer world through Website updates.

  4. To identify to update academic, administrative, and auxiliary functions.

  5. To identify to enhance all Programmes offered by the institution that are stated and displayed on the website.

  6. To identify strategic initiatives for the website and present them to governing body for review and updating.

  7. To display core values, Vision & Mission Program outcomes, Program-specific outcomes, and course outcomes.

  8. Develop and maintain standardized publishing guidelines for content owners.

The website committee will assist the webmaster with the following responsibilities:

  1. Report and make recommendations to the Technology Committee.
  2. Ensure the website stays current with new technology/trends.
  3. Use data collected to guide the framework and infrastructure of the college website.
  4. Regularly assess the design of the website and make recommendations for improvement.
  5. Create web engine compatible design prototypes based on collected feedback.
  6. Update files on weekly basis (Managing, Organizing and Refreshing).
  7. Maintain list of instructional videos.
  8. Maintain college Photo Gallery.
  9. Maintain FAQs.